Why Proofreading is the Most Important Step

With all that proofreading finds, this simple service will change your entire writing game.

The last and final step for any piece of text, proofreading finds the littlest issues with grammar, spelling, and word choice. Sounds a bit like spell-check? Those blue and red lines won’t catch British- versus American-English, suggest the right punctuation for the most impact, or alert you when you’re using the wrong type of dash (there’s three!). The Editorial Freelancer’s Association defines proofreading as a goal to “ensure that the material he or she is reviewing is 100% correct.”

In a resume or cover letter, proofreading can make the difference between landing an interview and getting your application tossed. These minor mistakes may seem insignificant in the long run. However, they can each count as a hit against you. Getting your work proofread shows dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism.

When it comes to a blog, grammar errors hurt your credibility. They can pull your reader out of your story, or they can create a larger problem in your directions; it’s important to treat these issues sooner rather than later. Keeping a proofreader on retainer might be the preferred path.

Proofreading finds things no matter how many people have looked at your work. Even though a novel typically goes through multiple rounds of editing throughout the entire process, there are both those little gnat-like mistakes that slip through fingers and new errors made during the last copyediting corrections. We’re human. I highly recommend a fresh-eyes look at your work by a different editor than your copyeditor; they’re more likely to catch the things they’re not as used to. Email me to inquire about contacting proofreaders.

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